यावद्वित्तोपार्जन सक्त-
स्तावन्निज परिवारो रक्तः ।
पश्चाज्जीवति जर्जर देहे
वार्तां कोऽपि न पृच्छति गेहे ॥ ५॥
yaavadvittopaarjana saktaH
staavannija parivaaro raktaH .
pashchaajjiivati jarjara dehe
vaartaaM ko.api na pRichchhati gehe .. 5
staavannija parivaaro raktaH .
pashchaajjiivati jarjara dehe
vaartaaM ko.api na pRichchhati gehe .. 5
(yaavat.h = so long as; vitta = wealth; upaarjana = earning /
acquiring; shaktaH = capable of; taavannija = tAvat.h + nija, till then +
one's; parivaaraH = family; raktaH = attached; pashchaat.h = later; jiivati =
while living (without earning); jarjara = old / digested (by disease etc); dehe
= in the body; vaartaaM = enquiry / inquiry; ko.api = kaH + api, whosoever;
even one; na = not; pR^ichchhati = inquires / asks / minds; gehe = in the
(yaavadvittopaarjana shaktaH= as long as one is capable of earning
money; taavannija parivaaro raktaH . = up to that time one’s family members
will be affectionate; pashchaat.h, jarjara dehe jiivati = Afterwards, when (he)
lives with an infirm body; gehe ko.api vaartttaM na pR^ichchhati = nobody in
the home enquires (his) welfare.)
Those who are madly after money should pause for a moment and
consider what is likely to happen to them in the later stage of their life!
They struggle all their lives to earn as much as possible, to get more power
and position, not always through fair means, perhaps cheating others, perhaps
committing crimes. However, all this should come to and end. A stage will come
when a doctor will not be able to continue his profession, neither a singer to
sing. All our physical, intellectual and mental abilities will deplete as we
advance in age. There is no escape from this fact. As soon as we are incapable
of earning anymore, people distance from us. A very bitter fact, indeed; but
true: As long as we earn, family, relatives, friends, etc. are there with us
giving us all affection. When we are old or incapable of earning wealth, all
those who surrounded desert us. Son or daughter, brother or sister, mother or
father: all care more for the person who earns money. The respect commanded is
directly proportional to the money he has.
Man, or any animal for that matter, is basically selfish. All this
behaviour alleged is a direct result of selfishness. An elderly man (or woman)
who has passed his prime and lost potential to earn is not paid attention;
Nobody consults him. This is the way of the world. The Acharya urges us to
understand this truth and hence keep the mind clear of expectations and
attachments. For, these are bound to bring misery, sooner or later. At the end
of life, when the body is weak and sick, nobody may even come to say a few kind
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